
While you can’t avoid postage costs, you can reduce them to levels you never thought possible. The Dingley Press has streamlined our inline and offline co-mailing process with one goal in mind: to save you money. And we do everything right here in our facility providing cost-efficiency at its very best. Co-mailing has dramatic implications for catalogers of all sizes. Let’s talk about the time and money you can save at The Dingley Press.

Onsite Co-mailing

With all co-mailing equipment in-house, there is no wasted time, money or spoilage that can occur when shipping catalogs to a consolidator or secondary location. We can add your catalogs to our weekly co-mail pools with other catalogers to achieve the savings of a much larger mail list. Our proprietary list processing technology enables us to create the perfect combination of mailers to maximize savings for all. The co-mail program can combine multiple trim sizes and both perfect bound and saddle stitched catalogs so almost anyone can participate in the program.

Looking for Savings?

Send us a mail file for analysis and we will show you how Dingley can save on postage and co-mail fees.

Catalog Printing

Dingley Control.
Now that's quality.

Co-Mail & Distribution

Under one roof.
On top of it all.

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