Did You KnowAs a cataloger, no doubt you’ve felt the impact of the exigent postal rate increase

— and you’ve probably heard about the U.S. Postal Service plans to redo the way postal deliveries are scheduled. The Dingley Press makes a point of keeping up with the ever-changing postal environment and finding ways to save you money while keeping your mailings on schedule.

One way The Dingley Press keeps catalog mailing costs down is by co-mailing. Instead of sending the catalogs we print to a third-party mailing consolidator, we eliminate the middleman and do our mailings in house. And since virtually all our customers are catalogers like your business is, almost every Dingley customer is a potential co-mailer. Weekly co-mailing pools allow us to send your catalogs out on time, without the need for shifting mailing dates.

The Dingley Press also makes certain to comply with Flats Sequencing System (FSS) presorting requirements and has been integrating the new FSS rules into our co-mailing process for some time now. FSS is a mail-processing system that sorts mail according to the order in which it will be delivered, but to move away from manual sorting and toward machine sorting, a change had to happen in the design, addressing, bar coding, and preparation of flat mail pieces for mailing. The Dingley Press has been handling those changes so you don’t have to.

“With FSS presort, Dingley takes care of the changes that are needed,” explains Lynda Hurley, Logistics Manager for The Dingley Press. “A few more pallets are created. And with load balancing, we will just adjust the delivery into the USPS so our customers’ mailing schedules stay on track.”

We keep up with changes that are on the horizon that might impact our catalog customers — whether it’s FSS presorting or the newer concern of the USPS’s new load leveling practice. You can count on The Dingley Press to monitor changes like these and help you meet your scheduled in-home dates.

Hurley acknowledges that “adapting is an ongoing part of working with the USPS. Watching USPS trends allows us to make our trucking adjustments to meet our customers’ in-home windows.”

Have questions about co-mailing, FSS presorting requirements, USPS load leveling, or other catalog concerns? The Dingley Press has answers. Contact us at 888-346-4539 or info@Dingley.com to learn how Dingley can take mailing worries off your plate, so you can focus on running your business.