Social media, email, and online marketing have all been at the top of many marketers’ minds over the past decade. But as some audiences tire of online marketing and intangible goods, marketing trends are shifting back to direct mail.

While direct mail is one of the most expensive forms of marketing, it’s an effective way to reach many audiences. Here are three reasons why it’s making a comeback this year and beyond.

1. Studies Show Millennials Prefer It

Whether it’s childhood catalog nostalgia or digital burnout, Millennials are the most likely consumers to purchase from direct mail, according to statistics from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Even though this demographic grew up with the internet, there are many misconceptions about their relationship with mail.

In one survey of Millennials from USPS, 75% of respondents said receiving personal mail makes them feel special. Brands can utilize this strategy by sending personalized mail to complete a sale after someone visits their website or signs up for an email list.

2. 74% of Marketers Believe It’s More Effective than Email

According to the Lob’s 2023 State of Direct Mail report, the study found that 74% of marketers believe direct mail delivers the best ROI, response rate, and conversion rate compared to other channels.

With consumers receiving more daily emails than ever, it’s easy for your audience to miss your email. Direct mail arrives less frequently — and with the right design and copy, may quickly draw your audience’s eye.

3. New Technologies Are Making It More Engaging

Technologies like QR and AR codes make direct mail more personalized and engaging than ever. QR codes can send audiences directly to a website or landing page, while AR codes trigger an augmented reality experience.

Brands can bridge the gap between print and digital by incorporating this technology in direct mail or mentioning social media in direct mail copy.

Why You Should Consider Direct Mail in Your Marketing Mix

While the price of ink, paper, and postage is on the rise, experts at Forbes believe there are ways to optimize your direct mail budget while still delivering great results. They recommend the following strategies to get the most out of your direct mail budget:

  • Narrow Down Your Audience – Clean up your mailing lists and ensure your data is accurate. Utilize the USPS’s National Change of Address database to ensure mail goes to the right place.
  • Get Creative with Your Materials – Instead of cutting direct mail with rising costs, use thinner or light paper or reduce weight by using fewer components.
  • Connect the Physical and Digital Experience – A printed piece of mail can activate various digital touchpoints. For example, businesses can use personalized URLs, QR codes, or phone numbers to engage customers.

If you want to learn more about incorporating direct mail into your marketing strategy this year, contact our team of experts at The Dingley Press today. From AR and QR technology to catalog printing and distribution, we provide our customers with cutting-edge solutions for their print and digital marketing needs.